They never told me I would meet so many talented artists! That being said, I have decided that once a month I will showcase a talented local artist to encourage fair trade ethics and support local talent. This is a call to arms for all local artsists no MATTER THE MEDIUM let me see your art and you may be featured!
I have the absolute privelage of knowing our first featured artist. She is Kimberly Hart Of...
Kim continues to astound fans alike with her insanely accurate attention to detail.
You can see examples of this below
You can see examples of this below
This cake is no bigger than the first digit of my thumb. At first glance I thought it was much larger. Kimberly is mainly known for her industrial heart collection, ( featured in1000 Steampunk Creations by Dr. Grymm, Pages 38, 39 & 40. ) but continues to create, never finding her self lost for an idea. Whether it be pill (or tentacle) coated cup cakes, sugar skulls, tiny little treats, or replicas of sea monsters and toys of yesteryear, there is a fresh take on sculpture, culture and art.
She has mastered-and in fact exceeded-standard talents, taking polymyer clay and making it her eternal bitch. She creates pieces that could only come of her own twisted mind and methods. To say she is just a clay artist would be such a gross understatement as comparing Van Gogh works to scribbles.
Kim never over charges. I'm sure I'm not the only one that can admire that. I have a personal collection of a few items from her , Brain hair clips for the girl and this ring that I ADORE and almost always wear, based off Alice in wonderland "Painting the roses red"
She has also collaborated with other artists, creating some of the most phenomenal pieces of I've ever seen. "I've been working with a very talented woodcarving artist named T.J. McDermott of Freeport, Maine making a few jellyfish for him to use in his amazing wood carvings. He created this fish, and I am just blown away by it!" Check out his work, here:"
The Octopus is by her.
With that being said I have the privelage of sharing with you a interview I fired her way
Followed by some photos of her amazing art and links to her site!
"What made you start working with clay?"
"I was looking for a new medium to work with- Something interesting and new. When I found polymer clay many many years ago, I didn't like it. I stashed it away in a drawer, But then I returned to it years later and had a whole new appreciation for it."
"Do you do other types of art?"
"Yes, I like to draw and cartoon... and paint and play with pastels, mostly. I also like to paint with coffee - it's fun!"
Do you sell them?
"Nope - all of them are fairly personal to me. So I either keep them or just give them away to folks that I like. I don't sell them, though."
What is your favourite piece you have made?
"I don't really have one. I like everything that I have made, honestly. If I absolutely had to choose, though, it would probably be my Mechanical Birdie, Bulova... or Nutmeg."
"Who is your favourite artist local/underground/famous, and why?"
"As much as I create a lot of artwork, I don't get a lot of time to appreciate other peoples art. But I really wish I did! Because I love looking at artwork. I can just stand there and stare at it for hours - especially painters and mixed medium artists."
"Do you belive in fair trade? Why?"
"I don't know much about fair trade, but from what I actually know about it seems like it is good, however there is a bit of criticism about it on the opposing side that I haven't looked into so far. So until I do my research in the matter, I can't say whether I support it or not. Based on what I know so far, though, I do support it."
What aspiring things do you do when you aren't creating?
"Oh goodness. I practically have no life outside of my artwork, to be honest. I make gelato and chocolate to get away from my clayspace once in awhile and to be in the outside world. I really enjoy drinking tea and making all sorts of tasty food, though. It's nice to get away from the clay and think about something else once in awhile."
"Pick a colour"
Purple. :)
"The dreaded question everyone asks... What tips or advice would you give to beginners for poly clay ?"
"I would say to go out and grab a sample pack or grab a colour from each of the polymer clay brands to really get a feel for it. It's good to know which brand works best with you. As soon as you find your brand, go ahead and get a few more colours. Read some books or go online. Educate yourself on new techniques. Experiment. Play around. If it doesn't work, roll the clay up and try again. :) Practice makes perfect!"
"If you had to recreate one piece you made every day for the rest of your l ife what one would you recreate and why ?"
"If I had to recreate one piece for the rest of my life, I would surely go crazy. Hahah! I do something called scrap metal pendants, and they are all different but slightly similar - I could do those all day and never get sick of them."
"Who inspires you in the clay community?"
"Mandarin Moon (Chris Kapono) ( I love her use of textures! And I also love Clay Lindo (Tamra Kohl) - I LOVE her Day of the Dead scenes - they are so intricate and full of funny details."
"What do you love creating the most?"
"My Industrial themed stuff, mostly. Like my mechanical birdies, especially. I want to make them more intricate and detailed over time..."
"What inspires you in general?"
"Everything. Inspiration comes from the strangest places, sometimes. I get caught off guard, actually... because it can be very spontaneous."
"Favorite qoute?"
"I don't think I have one, but as of recently I heard Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein." and it made me smile. I really like that one."
If you can not purchase online but MUST get your own Monster creation go to the international FAN EXPO and see Kim her self In Artist Alley. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, Aug 25-28
Happy Creating
The Mom
You can find this artist at any of the links below
Awesome! Thanks, "The Mom" ;) Hehe.